Wednesday, November 25, 2009

stung by strings

The strings of the violin expresses the inexpressible.....
permitting the impermissible.....
sometimes still like a water color painting...
othertimes its the golden dust that filters through the laced curtain....
its like the shells upon the shore or the calm blue ocean that roars...
Its the spirit of spectral consciousness....
its the refinement of the insatiable senses....
its the sensitive subtleties of existence....
its the silence of sounds....
the stillness of ponds....
moonless cloudless starry night....
it swoons me, stuns me....stirs in me the intricacies of emotions dormant but profound.....!!!

1 comment:

Papa Poule said...

même commentaire que pour "La musique : une euphorie", mais en plus, ta poésie à quelque chose de fortement rythmé par le choix des mots.