Saturday, April 28, 2007

a perfect stranger...

shore beach ground
thread string rope
maroon necklace
uncanny unknown
odd exotic
novel unusual
outre alien
queer quaint
direct upright
honest frank
pure unmixed aligned
his smile....??
his face....??
a familiar TOPAZ...
his heart
i know not...!!
a gem
a jewel
precious to me........
sweet ice
special sundae
pudding pie.......
was he a sherrif ??
a goon??
an informer??
a king??
an emperor dethroned??
know i not...!!
diverse another
unlike others.....??
or dime-a-dozen ??
"NO!!!"..I thought.....
sneerer scorner snob...??
dejected discouraged
dampened disheartened
by the mask he wore
cloak,camouflage....a disguise ??
is he an illusion??
an illness?
an ailment?
malady of a mad lady??
a dream...?
a longing...?
an affection??
a newcomer..?
an outsider..?
a foreigner....?
an outlander....?
he was just a stranger...
a perfect stranger...!!!

1 comment:

lavieenrose said...

you know..there's this play by eugene o'neill called The Emperor Jones..your poem reminds me of the same